Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my brain is HUGE

hahahahahahhahahaha i am so funny and so attractive right now


amelia rose said...

legend has it, that's what i looked like when i was born. the doctor had to pry my head out with stirrups.

Paige Marie said...


sarah patricia esplin said...

ewwww unwanted comment left by amelia ... i am going to report that one

***HaLeY pAiGe RaSmUsSeN!!** said...

with stirrups or pliers? hahaha stirrups makes it sound like you were born in a barn among the horse and cow manure. which i know isn't true amelia!!!!
you have a little more class than that.

Julie Ann said...

hahahaha tmi, tmi

Julie Ann said...

i agree with sarah on this one haha

amelia rose said...

alright folks, we're all gonna have em, so we might as well get comfortable with the happen-stances of having babies.