Tuesday, September 6, 2011

i might be a genius.

i am not a writer (are you shocked!) and as much as i love this little blog of mine, i do not slave away here trying to become the next nienie or naomi. i simply type and push "PUBLISH POST" so with that said i do apologize for the numerous misspelling and grammar problems that mi Madre pointed out to me. i may not be a writer but i promise i do have a brain, it just peaces out as soon as i hit blogger.com

 (and my dearest, deepest apologies for how i never ever capitalize anything (which sue also mentioned) i sincerely hope that we can still get along).

thank you
-the management


amelia rose said...

I think it's awesome that Sue commented on your lack of grammar and correct spelling and punctuation. I think you're great, and even though I am "the person" who comments on statuses and things correcting spelling, I love you too much to even care!
And I love your blog too.

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA...You do know I was LAUGHING OUT LOUD when I wrote that, right? Oh...the need for sound effects in the printed word...or should that be with the printed word..
I love today's..."I do have an brain!"
Love you.
Su Madre

Unknown said...

I guess if I am editing, my comment should read "...or should that be 'with the printed word?'" Actually, is that right? Or should the question mark go after the quotation mark? What do they call the quotation mark that is only one...you know, the one that goes inside the other ones...being the quoatation marks that are two marks...oh brother.