Thursday, September 22, 2011

what's for dinner?

Chicken Curry!
Big News! Since I am no longer a teenager, I figured it would be appropriate to do an adult-like activity today. I cooked a chicken breast! 1. Defrost 2. Cook 3. Brown Now to you, that may not seem to be an adult-ish/exciting activity but since I moved out, I have been terrified about eating uncooked chicken. Now as a 20 year old, I conquered that fear and made a  d e l i c i o u s dinner.

Thanks for the many many birthday wishes. I am so spoiled to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. I appreciate and love you all dearly. A big shout out to my cute mom who surprised me with a furnished AND decorated apartment. A second shout out to my darling roommates who bought me my very first Anthropologie dish item. (See photo above) Love you allllllllllllllllll!

1 comment:

sarah patricia esplin said...

mmmmm yumm foood real coooked foood dang I can't wait until I am 20